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As leaders in assessment and remediation, we are able to provide a guaranteed risk assessment for investment

The Team

Like all good companies our major assest is our staff. Our senior team draw on many years of experience in delivering high quality, value added services to our clients. They have a 'rounded' approach to business having worked in a diverse range of manufacturing industries and consultancies including Honeywell, ABB, Anglian Water, Bayer, WSP, Hyder and Arcadis.

The Directors leading the business each have more than 25 years experience in the Brownfield business. Their experience involves running companies with a turnover of more than £50 million per annum. They formed and developed one of the largest environmental businesses in the UK. Specialising in identifying contaminants, delineating the extent of site contamination, carrying out technical risk assessment to present the appropriate standards and subsequent remediation required to deliver the site in a safe form acceptable to planning authorities for future development. The team has taken redevelopment opportunities for contaminated sites through planning and public enquiry. 

Having worked with the most significant FTSE and fortune 100 firms i.e those firms with multiple contaminated sites. The team have been responsible for the delivery of over 10,000 projects for the largest global companies- petroleum, chemical, automotive, retail chains and manufacturing firms. Through this experience and extensive knowledge of the UK Brownfield market the business is able to call upon its own comprehensive set of skills to present the best solution to their clients. 

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